My journey as a photographer began at the School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana. After graduation, I embarked on field research of photography in Slovenia and abroad which led to a successful career as a professional photographer during which I have worked with most Slovenian magazines providing portraiture, documentary, and fashion photography for the past decade and have shot many advertising campaigns for prominent companies. I especially enjoy working on wedding and baby photography which includes creating a final product in the form of a photo book. In the last few years, my focus has also been food photography and I find capturing taste and smell in a photographic medium a really rewarding challenge.
Po končani šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani ter raziskovalnem delu na področju fotografije doma in v tujini, sem začela uspešno pot poklicne fotografinje. Že desetletje redno sodelujem s številnimi slovenskimi revijami na področju portretne, reportažne in modne fotografije. Sodelovala sem v številnih oglaševalnih kampanjah in projektih uspešnih podjetij. Zelo rada se posvečam poročnim fotografijam in fotografiranju dojenčkov, iz posnetega pa nato oblikujem lične spominske albume. Posebno poglavje na moji fotografski poti je fotografiranje hrane. Tovrstne fotografije so zame v zadnjih letih prav poseben izziv.
Portraits, Foods, Interier, Weddings, Kids, Tabletop, Reportage, References
Portreti, Hrana, Interier, Poroke, Otroci, Studijska, Reportaže, Reference
My journey as a photographer began at the School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana. After graduation, I embarked on field research of photography in Slovenia and abroad which led to a successful career as a professional photographer during which I have worked with most Slovenian magazines providing portraiture, documentary, and fashion photography for the past decade and have shot many advertising campaigns for prominent companies. I especially enjoy working on wedding and baby photography which includes creating a final product in the form of a photo book. In the last few years, my focus has also been food photography and I find capturing taste and smell in a photographic medium a really rewarding challenge.
Po končani šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani ter raziskovalnem delu na področju fotografije doma in v tujini, sem začela uspešno pot poklicne fotografinje. Že desetletje redno sodelujem s številnimi slovenskimi revijami na področju portretne, reportažne in modne fotografije. Sodelovala sem v številnih oglaševalnih kampanjah in projektih uspešnih podjetij. Zelo rada se posvečam poročnim fotografijam in fotografiranju dojenčkov, iz posnetega pa nato oblikujem lične spominske albume. Posebno poglavje na moji fotografski poti je fotografiranje hrane. Tovrstne fotografije so zame v zadnjih letih prav poseben izziv.
Portraits, Foods, Interier, Weddings, Kids, Tabletop, Reportage, References
Portreti, Hrana, Interier, Poroke, Otroci, Studijska, Reportaže, Reference
My journey as a photographer began at the School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana. After graduation, I embarked on field research of photography in Slovenia and abroad which led to a successful career as a professional photographer during which I have worked with most Slovenian magazines providing portraiture, documentary, and fashion photography for the past decade and have shot many advertising campaigns for prominent companies. I especially enjoy working on wedding and baby photography which includes creating a final product in the form of a photo book. In the last few years, my focus has also been food photography and I find capturing taste and smell in a photographic medium a really rewarding challenge.
Po končani šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani ter raziskovalnem delu na področju fotografije doma in v tujini, sem začela uspešno pot poklicne fotografinje. Že desetletje redno sodelujem s številnimi slovenskimi revijami na področju portretne, reportažne in modne fotografije. Sodelovala sem v številnih oglaševalnih kampanjah in projektih uspešnih podjetij. Zelo rada se posvečam poročnim fotografijam in fotografiranju dojenčkov, iz posnetega pa nato oblikujem lične spominske albume. Posebno poglavje na moji fotografski poti je fotografiranje hrane. Tovrstne fotografije so zame v zadnjih letih prav poseben izziv.
Portraits, Foods, Interier, Weddings, Kids, Tabletop, Reportage, References
Portreti, Hrana, Interier, Poroke, Otroci, Studijska, Reportaže, Reference
My journey as a photographer began at the School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana. After graduation, I embarked on field research of photography in Slovenia and abroad which led to a successful career as a professional photographer during which I have worked with most Slovenian magazines providing portraiture, documentary, and fashion photography for the past decade and have shot many advertising campaigns for prominent companies. I especially enjoy working on wedding and baby photography which includes creating a final product in the form of a photo book. In the last few years, my focus has also been food photography and I find capturing taste and smell in a photographic medium a really rewarding challenge.
Po končani šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani ter raziskovalnem delu na področju fotografije doma in v tujini, sem začela uspešno pot poklicne fotografinje. Že desetletje redno sodelujem s številnimi slovenskimi revijami na področju portretne, reportažne in modne fotografije. Sodelovala sem v številnih oglaševalnih kampanjah in projektih uspešnih podjetij. Zelo rada se posvečam poročnim fotografijam in fotografiranju dojenčkov, iz posnetega pa nato oblikujem lične spominske albume. Posebno poglavje na moji fotografski poti je fotografiranje hrane. Tovrstne fotografije so zame v zadnjih letih prav poseben izziv.
Portraits, Foods, Interier, Weddings, Kids, Tabletop, Reportage, References
Portreti, Hrana, Interier, Poroke, Otroci, Studijska, Reportaže, Reference
My journey as a photographer began at the School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana. After graduation, I embarked on field research of photography in Slovenia and abroad which led to a successful career as a professional photographer during which I have worked with most Slovenian magazines providing portraiture, documentary, and fashion photography for the past decade and have shot many advertising campaigns for prominent companies. I especially enjoy working on wedding and baby photography which includes creating a final product in the form of a photo book. In the last few years, my focus has also been food photography and I find capturing taste and smell in a photographic medium a really rewarding challenge.
Po končani šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo v Ljubljani ter raziskovalnem delu na področju fotografije doma in v tujini, sem začela uspešno pot poklicne fotografinje. Že desetletje redno sodelujem s številnimi slovenskimi revijami na področju portretne, reportažne in modne fotografije. Sodelovala sem v številnih oglaševalnih kampanjah in projektih uspešnih podjetij. Zelo rada se posvečam poročnim fotografijam in fotografiranju dojenčkov, iz posnetega pa nato oblikujem lične spominske albume. Posebno poglavje na moji fotografski poti je fotografiranje hrane. Tovrstne fotografije so zame v zadnjih letih prav poseben izziv.
Portraits, Foods, Interier, Weddings, Kids, Tabletop, Reportage, References
Portreti, Hrana, Interier, Poroke, Otroci, Studijska, Reportaže, Reference